Thursday, April 25, 2013

中芹鮮魷 Sautee Squid with Chinese Celery


5 stalks of Chinese Celery (中芹)
1 Squid
1 red hot pepper ( I didn't have this time), sliced.
~ 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp water
Potato Starch water 太白粉水 (mix potato starch with some water)
Vegetable cooking oil


- Clean and peel the back of the celery stalks. Cut into segments.

- Clean the squid and remove the bones and the membrane. Score diagonally the inner surface of the squid with a knife and make cross pattern. Cut the squid into pieces.

- Bring a pot of water to boil then cook the squid pieces for a few seconds till they curl up. Remove from water then set aside.

-  Heat up some oil in the pan. Stir fry the celery then add 2 tbsp water. 

- Add the red hot pepper and squid. Season with salt.  

- Add potato starch water and see it thickens. Keep on cooking to coat the ingredients with the liquid to create shinny effect. 

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